Exploring the Self by Honoring the Magical

Lessons from Lisa Marie Basile’s Magical Writing Grimoire

Andrea Blythe
Ascent Publication


Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash.

“Within these pages, we will honor and embrace the archetype of the witch as a symbol of power in the face of oppression, blame, and shame. We will explore the witch as a natural being. As a dreamer. A creator. A lover of darkness and light. Of righteous anger and deep empathy and everything in between.”

— Lisa Marie Basile, The Magical Writing Grimoire

I’ve long been fascinated by the concept of witchcraft — the idea that ritual, spells, and willpower can effectively shape the world around you. No doubt movies like The Craft and Practical Magic had a significant influence on this interest. As a teenager, I would roam through the public library seeking out some old leather-bound tome to guide me (something that always seems so easy to achieve in movies).

If it had existed back then, The Magical Writing Grimoire by Lisa Marie Basile would have been a book that I would have found compelling. Even as a teenager, I already had the sense that the written word — and poetry in…



Andrea Blythe
Ascent Publication

Author, poet, game writer, and lover of the fantastical, horrifying, and weird. (She/her) https://linktr.ee/andreablythe