Weird Maze Plaza Place

Fear of failure

A change in perspective

Israel O. Dilan Pantojas
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2017


A year ago, I used to find myself worrying about failing all too often and in some sense I thought this was kinda good. In Puerto Rico, maybe in America in general, we have a nasty habit of kicking people while they’re down, making fun of people who fail, hating on the successful and praising their demise. I have a personal goal of changing that, on showing that all of this situations are opportunities for growth, to strengthen each other, and at the very least changing our views of failure. I act accordingly, which in some way makes me feel alienated, but I’m quite happy because I believe that if we focus on methods and cultures where we cooperate we will succeed as whole.

I had started reading many articles and watching many videos about how to improve different aspects of my life, I specially remember the advice from Good Advice For Young People & Entrepreneurs From CEO of Giant Company Alibaba by Jack Ma. They started slowly carving into my subconscious and making more optimistic about failure. It all changed when watching different listening to motivational videos for exercise I often heard the phrase "you will fail your way to failure". After I internalized what this phrase meant failure was no longer an obstacle, failure became fuel. Then I started seeing it everywhere, a great example is one of my modern heroes Elon Musk, i suggest you go check out his history on failure and success. Now thanks to this small change in perspective, the phrase has become a mantra and it’s allowed to dig out truly demoralizing and continue to improve myself everyday. Remember, failure is an important part of growth, just think that while the goal is not successfully met and your passion is not fulfilled, failure is just an indication that whatever it is you are doing, it’s worth it.

"You will fail your way to success"

The problem with failure is that we have gotten used to perceiving it as an end when it’s really just a step the ladder, another stage in the cycle of life, and we’ve realized this, but we haven’t internalized it.

