Feeling Stuck in Your 9 to 5 Job? Here’s What to Do.

You really only have two options: stick it out or walk away.

Maria Elharaoui
Ascent Publication


Every 9–5 job starts the same. That first week where everything is new and exciting. You’re meeting tons of new people. You have a packed schedule full of meetings. And you have lots of reading to do to get up to speed.

And for awhile everything is going great. You like the work you’re doing. The people seem interesting. You feel like this might actually be the right place for you.

But eventually, maybe a few months down the road, the rose colored glasses come off.

Your manager starts to get on your nerves. The work is stressing you out, and you’re starting to dread going into the office every morning.

But does that mean it’s time to move on? Are any of these things really deal-breakers — or are they just a part of the 9–5 life?

If you’re unhappy in your job and feel stuck, it’s time to figure out your next move. Whether that’s finding a new job or sticking it out at your current one, either way you need to make some changes. Here’s what to do:

Assess what’s really bothering you.



Maria Elharaoui
Ascent Publication

Copywriter. Blogger. Wife. Bibliophile. Romcom Lover. Tea Addict. Grammar Nerd. Email me: maria.elharaoui@gmail.com