Find Your Motivation

Cian Nolan
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2017
Photo by Ken Treloar on Unsplash

So You Have A Goal And Can’t Seem To Stay On Track?

Are you trying to quit an addiction? Replace destructive behaviors with better ones? Maybe you’re testing your legs with a solo project. Weight-lifting to sculpt your body into Greek Godlike proportions?

Regardless of the goal. There is indeed a way to keep focused. To stay on track. To reach the finish line!

You need a “why” my friend.

Why Do I Need A “Why”?

Well let’s start with an example. I’m going to reach into the sack of my life to share my story with you. i hope my story will show you how important your “why” is.

I confess. I am an alcoholic! Also Irish, but we’ll take this one step at a time. Since I turned 18 (legal drinking age in Ireland) I drank… a lot! I drank before that too but shhh! that’s our little secret. I was drinking 8, 500 ml cans of 5% beer every second day. This went on for 7 years.

That’s 1'460 cans a year!

36'500 ml of just pure alcohol.

730,000 ml of beer in a single year.

A whopping total of 5'840'000 ml of beer consumed since the inception of my bad habit.

Not good for Cian.

During these years I have attempted to give up beer for a week. It was the only goal I could fathom achieving. What happened? More often than not, I failed. Truth is I didn’t want to give up. I didn’t want to go through the pain of dealing with those nasty craving emotions. So I didn’t.

Aimlessly wandered through life instead.

Then something changed for me. I started reading…

I was reading about being successful. Increasing productivity. How to gain confidence. Being something rather than nothing. What did I learn?

You need to pay the price!

It doesn’t matter how high the price is. If you want to see the other side. You must pay the price! That’s where the “why” comes in.

Why On Earth Would You Do Such A Thing?

I am in the middle of a 30 day challenge to go without alcohol. Right now I am I am 43.33% of the way there. I’ll be done on the 30th of November.

What is different this time? How come I’ve even made it this far? Why haven’t I given up?

I found a good enough why.

The last few times that I have attempted a week. I failed. I failed because the only “why” I had was because people tell me I should tone the drinking down a bit. Then I would say: “You know, you’re right. I’ll do that after this can.”

Not nearly good enough Cian…

This Time Around I Asked Why A Few Times:

Why do I want to give up drinking for 30 days?

To test my willpower

Why is testing my willpower important to me?

Testing my willpower is important to me because I ran away from things I found difficult in the past and I don’t want that for my future.

Why is it important to push through difficult things?

Successful people push through difficulty to become great

Why is becoming successful important to me?

Becoming successful is important to me because I don’t want to look back on a wasted life.

Why is it important not to waste my life?

I want to be a good example for my son.

Why is being a good example to my son important to me?

I don’t want my son picking up bad habits from me. I want him to know the value of hard work and the importance of moderation.

Your Time Is Now

This is where is starts. This is where you do the thing you’ve been dreaming of. This is where you live for you!

Find a deeper “why” to connect you with you how important your goal is to you. Once you have your “why” no pain can stop you.

The greater the pain of achieving your goal, the deeper your why needs to be to overcome it.

I am just like you. Trying to find my way in the world. Everything I write about, I am doing. I will share with you what it takes to go from nothing to something. Zero To Hero one step at a time.

Claps and Follows will enable these articles to reach a wider audience. Helping more people realize that anyone can become great. Imagine a world where everyone you meet is becoming great. What a world that would be!

Thank you for taking part in our journey! I hope to see you again soon!



Cian Nolan
Ascent Publication

The average dreamer. Putting theories of success to the test. Follow my journey from zero to hero with all the successes and failures on the ascent to greatness