Fitness When You’re Not Feeling It

Let Lady Luck be your workout buddy. It’s working for me.

Margie Reece
Ascent Publication
2 min readMar 23, 2019


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

In The White Bathrobe of Disappointment, I shared my struggle with mornings. I’ve benched the WBD on weekdays but … yes, there’s a but.

Cue the excuses. It’s been cold, dark and snowy for weeks on end. Let’s call it the winter of my discontent, and I’ve continued to fail at working out in the morning.

I tried setting the bar really low: 10 minutes. That’s all I’ve asked of myself. Sometimes that start-small approach works for me to change my behavior, to get me up and going. But this exercise funk has been a particularly deep one, and I just haven’t been feeling it.

The truth: I am never actually going to feel like it.

So I decided to “Roll With It,” to let a game of fate pick my a.m. exercise since I seemed incapable. Game on! I made a list of six options and rolled the die, similar to this chores game, Die Happy, on my personal productivity blog.

I thought about calling this dice-workout game “You’re Not Going to Die, You Big Whiner.” But mornings are hard enough without sarcasm and self-loathing.

Give me coffee, space and gentle encouragement.

I am only on day two, but since I’ve made the Internet my accountability partner, I am putting it out there. You’re witnessing a live experiment of sorts. Luckily for you all, there will be no live streaming should I ever roll a two. It’s what you might call suggestive dancing. As in, I suggest you stop that right now.

It’s working! It’s working! It’s working! P.S. Maybe you’re wondering what the “Combo” is. Well, it doesn’t come with fries and a shake sadly. I use the Rock Your Chores playlist and do one song per the other five activities.


As of this posting, I’ve put together nine straight days of workday workouts. That’s a lifetime record for me, no question. The role of the dice is working wonders. Why I’ll exercise for Lady Luck and not myself, I am not entirely sure.

But she has my fitness fate in her hands, and friends, I am rolling with it.

Originally published at



Margie Reece
Ascent Publication

Writer, editor, blogger, behavior geek. I love making up games and tricks to hack my life. Why? Because I need all the help I can get and it makes me happier.