Five Lessons to Help You Get Your Career Mojo & Dream Job

A career that brings passion and purpose is worthy of your efforts.

Elle C.
Ascent Publication


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

As a child, selecting a career was as simple as answering the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Adult realities are far more complex. The possibilities can be overwhelming, especially for young people entering the workforce. But it’s not just graduating seniors who experience this. Most working adults encounter career shifts and job eliminations. Others linger in unsuitable positions or adverse working conditions and feel the slow stifling of their passion.

I empathize with those struggling to find a career home.

The combination of a terrible academic history, generational poverty, and naivety, created challenges as I went into the world. Later, I was a single mother, struggling to discover my niche. For many years, I had to self-teach, overcome negative input, and test the waters, as I attempted to find occupational nirvana.

You aren’t wrong to desire a career that fuels passion and purpose. A satisfying job is vital to your well-being. The end result is worth striving toward, even if you must play the long game. Lessons shared here might help shorten your learning curve.



Elle C.
Ascent Publication

Writings of a solivagant, gypsy soul, foodie, and pirate hopeful. Unconventional mother. Sometimes profane. Occasionally profound.