Flow State: What They Don’t Tell You About How to Achieve It

The key to flow is hiding in plain sight.

Arthur MacKinnon
Ascent Publication


Writers chase it, artists thrive on it, and almost every creator seeks it —

That magical point where space and time fade away and total focus takes over.

Those hours where you fully immerse — to the point where the work becomes fulfilling, absorbing and totally enjoyable.

It’s that sweet, sweet state of flow.

It’s definitely sweet, but the question is why the experience is so rare. For most of us, flow state is fleeting and sporadic — but it doesn’t have to be.

Imagine if there was a more reliable way of experiencing it. A way no one has pointed out before.

Here’s a few things that would happen:

  • Overall life satisfaction would scale up dramatically.
  • Episodes of writer’s block would dwindle.
  • Creative dry spells would be few and far between.

What’s really needed is a new a way of seeing the situation. Flow state doesn’t have to be a mystical, once-in-a-blue-moon thing.

In fact, I believe a simple key to achieving flow state is hiding in plain sight.

