Focus: 5 Ways to Lose it, 5 Ways to Get it Back

What to do when your focus needs more focus.

Leslie Brooks
Ascent Publication


“Yep, I’m doing it big!”

That was the response I got every morning after saying “Hello” and “How are you?” to this guy I used to work with years ago. No matter how crazy things were at work, his answer remained the same.

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

He did the same job that most of his coworkers did, but what made him stand out was a constant attitude of success.

He was young in his career. Nowhere near what most would call “doing it big”. That didn’t matter though. He’d decided that he was BIG every day.

He disregarded the little irritations that set most people off. He just dug in, got to work and focused.

You can’t do big things if you are distracted by small things. -Unknown

When I got serious about my writing again, I decided that I wanted to “do it big” too. So I had to get serious about dealing with distractions. This meant figuring out what was driving me to seek them in the first place.

I started paying attention to how I felt when the urge for escape came. I realized that any lack of confidence while writing was a trigger. If the feeling lasted too long, I got scared and looked for an…



Leslie Brooks
Ascent Publication

Coach/Behavior Change Specialist. Learn how to be habitually calm with simple solutions you can use today.