For the Creatives Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere

Sometimes it feels like everyone else lives in New York, doesn’t it?

Jane Harkness
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2018


Like every other writer I follow on Twitter has a studio in Brooklyn (how they afford it is a mystery to me). Or maybe they’re in Boston, or Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Oh, and I can’t forget everyone in DC on the political beat.

And here I am, in a small coastal town with a year-round population of about 1,000 people — most of which aren’t my age.

We have one real local paper. We have a couple local magazines, but some of them only go to print in the summer when the tourists come around.

Growing up, I never met a single person who made a living as a writer. There were no poetry open mics, no local workshops. Thankfully, I had some great English teachers. I think the closest workshop group that meets regularly is an hour’s drive away from me.

We used to have a couple bookstores when I was a kid. They all ended up closing once the Kindle got big. Now we have one that only opens in the summer — you know, for the tourists who need a beach read.

I remember when I was a kid, sometimes we would drive for an hour to get to a Barnes & Noble near my aunt’s house. It was an event. We would spend all day out there and go out to lunch.



Jane Harkness
Ascent Publication

Words on wellness, sustainability, and more. Writer for hire. Let’s work together: