From Anger To Happiness

Michael Patanella
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2018


“Holding onto anger is like hitting the snooze button on your happiness. It’s never worth it. You can’t control. Let it go.”

Never a more true a statement. Holding onto anger causes so much stress to our bodies, both physically, and mentally. It makes us more ill, and it contributes to us dying younger then we should. The quote is from a list called Phrases to be your best self. Any progress that we may be making can quickly be stopped in its tracks by blockades like anger.

Anger is a normal human emotion. It can come out in many different ways, and move in many different directions. There is anger towards other people, and anger unto ourselves. However when that anger is taking over our lives, or if we notice that it is having a major negative impact on us, we must reevaluate that anger, and see if we can figure out a way to work through it and manage it in a healthy fashion.

“Every new day teach yourself to enjoy life. This is how you can change the World.”

It sounds simple enough. However, I think it is just so very overlooked, and we rarely stop and take moments to take a breath, and just look around at life, or even acknowledge our own happiness happening. Stop sometimes, and look; see all the fortunes you have around you. Whether it is family, or security, career, friends, health. Things taken for granted all the time. I try hard everyday to stop and take those bits of a few minutes here and there, to reflect on my own life. My past, present, and my hopes and desires for my future.

Also, I try to learn from my mistakes, as I think it is our mistakes, that actually become our very best teachers. I try to figure out how I can enjoy a great future, with utilizing my mistakes, as a way on how not to be. Show me what to avoid as life goes on too.

This takes me right into my next one, which is “Go bravely where you have never gone before.” It is a continuation from the prior quote. It is almost the same, except it is based mostly on our futures, and where we are going. Whether we want to risk the unknown, and aim forward, where we can either lose it all, or win greatness. Just like gambling though; never gamble with more then you are willing to lose.

This next one, which I got from a different list, this, being from the Huffington Post is, “I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.”

Again, quite the simple phrase, but a sentence that’s meaning goes way deeper, then the simplicity of the wording. When I was down, and at my worst, it was my isolating that contributed to me being stuck. The whole time I had a loyal family, and a good group of real friends, who were, and always will be a huge support network for my own Sobriety. Isolation, in itself, has always been one of my weaknesses. My biggest downfall. Isolation, as well as idle time is the Devil’s playground indeed.

There is no way you are going to be finding any type of success or happiness if you insist on any form of isolation. If I find myself isolating, then I know something is wrong.

This does not mean go be best friends with the entire world. However, having healthy circles of tight knit loved ones can bring your success and happiness to endless levels. It keeps you from going down those dark paths.

Sometimes I share exerts from one of my favorite books, called Wisdom From The Batcave, How To Live A Super Heroic Life; Written By Cary Friendman. I wanted to close with a couple paragraphs from that book that can be taken a long way in the subject of this article.

“People rarely appreciate what they have until they do not have it anymore. Loss is often the first step in appreciating the great gift in our lives.”

“How far does human potential expand? Every person has an infinite capacity for achievement. The greatest danger for most of us is not that we set goals too high, and fail to reach them; the problem is we set our goals too low and we reach them.”

“Willpower is stubbornness; it is refusing to give up when you encounter difficulty.” Real strength flows from inside outward; greatness must be earned, for it is not magically bestowed.”

-The End

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Michael Patanella
Ascent Publication

Author, Publisher, and Editor. I cover mindfulness, mental health, addiction, sobriety, life, and spirituality among other things.