Funky Friday

Our autism journey

Lynn Browder
Ascent Publication


Owen didn’t sleep once again. Three nights in a row, that’s about all we get. He now talks in his sleep and continues to pull my hair. Is he dreaming, is it an involuntary action. We both woke up too early and both are a little cranky. I felt huge progress this morning though. The name breakthrough. I said, “Owen, what’s your name”. He said, “name”. I told him he was supposed to answer Owen. He repeated back to me, “Owen”. So I repeated it, “Owen, what’s your name”. He said, “yur naMa”. I moved on. I said, “how old are you”, holding up five fingers. He counted each of them, “one twue free four FIVE”. I said, “how old are you”. He repeated, “how old”. This is the closest we’ve gotten. This feels like such a victory. We have been working on this for some time now. I often wonder how I can help him with the connection to his name or things that belong to him. I’m excited because he is counting so well, counting objects, and making that connections. These are all big steps. It’s one thing to count and it’s another thing to be able to count something. The connections will keep growing. As we get ready this morning I hand Owen items he needs to take to the couch for us to get him ready. I do them one at a time. He takes the item and he runs to the couch. I hear him saying, “to de couch”. Each item goes the same way. Not even a month ago that didn’t happen. I would find the items all over, in the kitchen, his room, on the floor. Now all the items I gave him are sitting in a pile on the couch. These are the victories that get me through the days. My emotions try to fit in a box, only letting the lid off occasionally, but that’s not what happens. My emotions are right there pouring over at every minute. The good, with the bad, and the in between. The rollercoaster of life is always going, but at some point you have to decide to how to handle it. My heart rejoices for these victories. I’m thankful and proud of my sweet baby O. Find your peace and comfort in knowing that perseverance and hope will work miracles. Make today matter. Smiles to all and donut daze!



Lynn Browder
Ascent Publication

I am on a mission to spread autism awareness, compassion, love and understanding. I have a twelve year old son, Owen who has autism. Love music and comedy.