Go Where God Has Led You

Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2018

Often times, we think we know a little more than we really do. Whether it’s about ourselves, or a certain situation. But what we really think we know — we haven’t even became aware of.

If you know me, (which a lot of my followers do)… know I am a big believer in the Law Of Attraction.

I think we have been given a certain gift of consciousness and awareness, to utilize at will.

But a lot of us are so focused on what’s right in front of us, that we can’t take a second and look up at the masterpiece of alignment, that consist of stars, the sun, the moon and freaking clouds, for Pete’s sake!

Trust Your Gut.

Your gut is a lot more than just a place that you feel you need to lose a couple of inches around.

Some individuals believe that your gut is where your soul resides. Whether that’s true or not — we may never truly know.

All I know is that whenever I have a “gut feeling”, it’s usually right, 9 times out of 10.

But what if it’s god talking to you through your gut? I mean, what if those “feelings” you get are really god guiding you, but we are too busy with life to realize that god is talking to us?

God is Not a Big Man in the Sky

Some people refer to the Simpsons, and think that’s what God looks like! (LOL)…

Oh, you’ve seen an episode or two where this big old man in a white robe, long hair and beard — looking like professor Dumbledore or Raiden on mortal kombat, reaches down and punishes you for bad actions.

That is furthest from the truth of what God is really about.

God is not a person, or a physical being, (in my opinion).

In my opinion, and what I have experienced, God is everything that is good.

What I mean by that is, when I think positive, pray to God, talk to God like a friend and mentor — good things happen. I call these blessings.

As stated earlier in this article; I am a believer in The Law of Attraction. God is good, and when we seek to find the goodness in ourselves, and in the world… good things come back to us, like we’re a magnet!

There is a good energy source and there’s a bad energy source.

You notice what happens when you’re around negativity? You get drained, irritated and bad things happen! This is not by coincidence — this is by design.

Many people believe in the devil, and say the devil has control over them; but if you take away the “d” in devil, what are you left with? EVIL. And what is evil? It is associated with negativity and bad vibes.

All the devil is, is a negative energy source from which you can continue to contribute to, or you can go to the other energy source of good. Take away an “o” from good and what do you have? That’s right.

Stay Positive and Listen to God.

I’m not saying you have to be in church 3 days a week — because that’s not what believing in God is all about. God doesn’t live in a church, or a sanctuary…

He’s dwelling within your core, your being, your gut!

We have the free-will to think for ourselves and make wise decisions. No other animal is as intelligent as us. We are the most intelligent mammals in the world.

That is not by coincidence… it is by design.



Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication

Christopher Taylor, is a future billionaire and entrepreneur. He has 3 children, a supportive wife; and is creating his future, day by day. Stay tuned.