Gratitude Journaling for Misanthropes

What to write when you hate everything.

Matthew Ward
Ascent Publication


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

You don’t have to be a true misanthrope to benefit from this article. We’ve all had those days, weeks, months, or more where we feel like there’s nothing to be grateful for — when it seems the whole world has conspired against us.

Even if this isn’t you, hate gratitude, as I’ve started to call it, is a great skill to develop even when you’re a naturally thankful and bubbly person. This has quickly become the main way I use the gratitude section of my journal.

It’s easy to be grateful for things going your way. It’s hard to be grateful for the lessons learned from things we hate. When you learn to do this, it’s a transformative experience.

The Concept

The concept is simple. I always write down at least one thing I’m grateful for each morning. At first, it was easy: my spouse, financial security, a family that loves me, my dog, and so on.

Then it got hard, and I started to resort to the mundane: a good cup of coffee, clean water, etc. It’s good to find a way to be grateful for the things we take for granted. This is one of the things people often cite about their gratitude practice. They tend to notice the small stuff and appreciate it.

