Group Exercise: Why Working Out Is Better Together

Plus a few reasons you might not expect.

Leslie Brooks
Ascent Publication


I wasn’t always a fan of fitness you know. Yeah, I thought it looked good to be fit, but I wasn’t interested in the work that came along with it.

Before kids, I didn’t need to do much to maintain a healthy weight. I hadn’t experienced any real health problems either.

But things changed after having two babies. I gained pounds, pain, and high blood pressure. My first efforts at working out were a constant struggle. I felt awkward and weak. I hated every minute of it.

But once I found group fitness, I never looked back!

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

It’s been 10 years now. I’m still going and getting stronger too. As a coach and instructor, I’m able to share the gift of fitness with more and more people every day.

Here are the reasons I fell in love with group fitness, and why I think you can too. I’ll also share a couple of unexpected group fitness perks.

Exercise plan in a box.

Group Fitness comes with built-in instructions, a schedule, and support. All you have to do is get started.

Workout schedule.



Leslie Brooks
Ascent Publication

Coach/Behavior Change Specialist. Learn how to be habitually calm with simple solutions you can use today.