Growing Awareness

Life is a series of events, some fortunate and some unfortunate.

Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Ascent Publication


We can grow in grace and move forward when we take the time to clear up what comes from our past, slamming into our present with rage, anger, sadness, anxiety, pain, or whatever emotion arises when we are offended.

Yesterday was the first Thursday group out of five weeks I facilitated. Two of those weeks we had snow days and two I was on different trips and one I was sick.

The men were super happy I was back. They told me “It’s not the same without you in the group. You engage with us and help us see things from a different perspective and you don’t judge us” and they gave me extra liberties to ask pointed questions and dig a little deeper. One even owned his abusive behaviors from the week before when he defended them with the substitute.

I had an another client, which took a long time to move through the assessment interview; it was revealing to me.

I have a calming effect on anxiety prone individuals.

I found myself guiding, moving in empathy, grounding, and helping them build capacity. It was an awe inspiring scene where afterward I reflected on that being my most challenging client ever. And I made it. Everything I did, or said, was not programmed rhetoric. It came from…



Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Ascent Publication

❤ Positive-focused Motivational Speaker❤ Writer ❤ Domestic Violence Educator @ ❤ Catch the Spark❤ Counselor ❤ Relationships ❤