Handling Difficult Customers: Things We Should Never Do To Our Customers

In the ecosystem, human beings are considered the most superior of all species that exist on Earth. We have the innate ability to prosper and develop as an intellectual being — We basically rule the world. But, then again, there are some who tends to behave unlike the rest of us.

Zaid Omar, CPT, PN1
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2018


I ranted about this topic before and I explained how would an inexperienced salesperson end up losing their composure when they have to deal with annoying customers.

I’m talking about the types of customers that would make an average person sigh deeply while holding back from bursting out the list of harsh words that are on their minds.

Life Lesson 101: Not a good idea to let out your honest feelings without any filters.

Unless we confidently know that our actions will not have any dire effects to the company’s image, then we are better off to heed these pieces of advice that I’m about to share.

What Not To Do Or Say To Not-So-Perfect Customers

1) The Oblivious Ones

Where I’m from we call them “Blur Sotong”. I have no idea where that slang came from. Sotong means squid in Malay.

And obviously, Sotongs are more intelligent than these people.

These are the types that would still get themselves lost when you have a huge signboard showing “WE ARE HERE!!!”

These are the types that would ask questions that would make you wonder whether are they “trolling” or are they lazy to read the descriptions.

So, the first thing we must not do is to call them a Blur Sotong or worst, raise your voice as you reply them with a mouthful of condescending words.

2) The “Last Minute I Have Something On” Type

Ever get stood up for more than an hour only to receive a Whatsapp message saying: “Sorry, got something on”.

At that very moment you managed to convince yourself not to throw your Iphone X to the wall (well…not because you realized it’s not a good phone). You stayed calm and professional and replied back “Sure, no problem, when can we re-schedule?”


*Blue Ticks…silence*

Chiiiiiilll..Move on.

The last thing you want to do is to turn into a hulk and get fine for harassing a stranger.

3) Getting Abducted By Aliens: The Extreme Version Of № 2

If you feel disappointed if a customer or a client change their plans at the last minute, try having a client who does that all the time and would mysteriously disappear from this world.

Obviously, they are just too busy or they have been abducted by aliens.

The point is, it is not a good idea to get too attached to them or to treat them like your childhood crush who has been ignoring you since you were 10.

4) Can I Bring My Two Twins, My Family, My Sister, My Uncle, Heck…My Whole Lineage??

What is more joyous than being able to share good things to people.

We, as service providers, live by the principle “To give value to others”.

But, it does have a limit. It should.

We are, after all, doing a business.

We are not doing a UNICEF or United Nation project. Well, unless your business involves such things than you are not affected by this problem.

I believe every businesses has their unique niche and targeted audience.

If a customer demands to get the same product or service for another person even though you know that it is not a good idea, then things might get a little bit problematic.

Here’s the part where we should not sell things for the sake of earning profit when we know the service or product is not suitable for everyone.

I mean, would you bring two of your children aged 2 and 3 to a 2-days “Learn How To Cook Healthy” course?

5) (My favoooriiite)…The Actual Trolls

“ Hi, I think I seen better websites…better product designs..you’re a scam..” and the list goes on.

These are the types of people who have so much time to waste that they would spend their day pressing ad links just to give rude comments.

They waste our ads marketing costs per click and they waste our precious time for putting the effort to read their messages.

If I’m a fool, I would address the issue one-on-one, but really, that would just be a waste of time.

Don’t bother replying them at all.


These are some examples that I have seen, heard and gone through myself while trying to close sales.

It can really be an emotional roller coaster when deadline is up ahead.

Try dealing with these things when you desperately need to fill up the slots within 1–2 days.

I bet these are normal things that most business owners go through and they have a built-in system in their minds to know how exactly to react or how not to react during unnecessary confrontations.

It takes a lot of maturity, professionalism, and generally, lots of love for the humankind to be able to go through these ordeals every single day of your life.

But, hey, once you get the right ones….all these negative experiences turns to dust.

In the end, it is very worth it. :)



Zaid Omar, CPT, PN1
Ascent Publication

Certified Personal Trainer (NCSF) | Nutrition Coach (PN1) | I write about fitness, nutrition, mental wellbeing here and at www.zaidomar.com