Here’s How Marie Forleo Helped Me Quit My Job

Who I am is more important than what I do.

Marguerite Faure
Ascent Publication
5 min readMay 21, 2021


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

I had a relatively safe job five years ago.

But, I’ll never forget the feeling of day-to-day self-abandonment.

Every day I dreamed of ways to work for myself, but I left them as dreams because of the ocean of softeners I swam in. I was giving up on myself to fit a mold that stereotypically came with my age and stage of life.

One day, a friend sent me a link to an interview on YouTube. I can’t remember who was being interviewed because the interviewer surprised me.

She balanced being interested in her guest, but also sharing interesting nuggets about her story that left me feeling an instant connection- almost like we just became friends.

Because of that, I subscribed to her YouTube channel and incorporated her content as a way to get through chores at home. Filling my brain with practical and entertaining insight, made what could have been boring, something that I looked forward to.

After digesting bite-sized lessons, over a period of time, I gained the confidence to resign and start working from home. My boss was so confused when I wasn’t leaving for a better offer, but rather to go off and create the life I love.

I finished my final month in Marketing and Sales strong.

And, then- I journeyed towards the outcome I’ve always dreamed of: owning my time and working for myself.

Becoming Ridiculously Self-Aware

I appreciated learning about the journey it took for Marie to end up with her show on YouTube, as well as many further successful ventures.

She spoke of her days bartending and working with Nike as an Elite Dance Athlete, to Wallstreet and starting a coaching business. She discussed the many failures and hard-knocks she faced which gave me a reality check that working for myself was not going to be creamy straight off the bat.

I was inspired by how she was comfortable in her own skin. This was not something that I was familiar with at that time.

She also coined the phrase “Multipassionate Entrepreneur” because she couldn’t fit into just one box.

Through being self-aware, she was able to wedge her own way through expectations to create a space on YouTube, creating an award-winning show.

She channels her quirks in creating content that is unique and something that you want to share with people close to you.

After I resigned, my form of “bartending” was online teaching.

I used that as a base to figure out where I want to be and who I want to be.

I tried many businesses, some that were financially attractive, but from a personality perspective- a terrible fit. I also tried others that were a horrible fit as well as financially taxing.

My goal became to start a business where time was the largest investment.

This constraint helped me identify areas where I wanted to spend my time, and areas where I would rather procrastinate.

I channeled self-awareness into what I was doing, and why I was doing it.

This formed a strong foundation from which I started seeing a fit both from a personality and financial perspective.

Surprising Advice

The learning curve with the beginning phase of any business is not for the faint-hearted. Marie shared some tactical tips that helped me enforce rules and habits I would never have previously considered.


Learning how to say no, and why it is ok to say it empowered me to create boundaries.

This simple word has given me the freedom to be honest with those around me. Instead of giving a, yes, only to dread going or plan to cancel last minute, I now know how to say no and not feel the need to justify why.

Or, I’ve even got to the point when I’m in a space of feeling overwhelmed to say no, and if asked why, explaining, “I need some me time.”

And “me time”, is ok.


I struggle in group settings.

However, I can’t only think of myself and never attend them, community is important. Also, networking is invaluable when you are working for yourself. It can be the easiest way to move forward.

Hearing her say that she brings her best for a two-hour span and then feels comfortable leaving, gave me permission to do the same.

A friend once told me, “You can get through anything, as long as it has a time frame.”

This, combined with the example of how Marie handles things, has seen me step into situations that I would usually avoid due to anxiety or fear.

It’s a simple hack, but it has freed me of needing to be something that does not come naturally to me, for a time period that now feels manageable.


I needed to hear that someone else loved doing things that didn’t seem to conventionally fit together.

I enjoy Marie’s content for the skits, occasional dance moves, and witty humor.

Sometimes it helps seeing someone ahead of you doing things you may have been afraid to.

Along with a few other streams of online income and freelancing gigs, I now too have a YouTube channel.

I have felt the freedom to run, teach, dance, rap, and even design websites as I find the space that I want to zone down into.

Marie’s niche is business, and she brings her passions into her delivery.

I’m exploring my passions and giving myself the space to enjoy the journey, and the learning curve, as I work towards my niche. Somehow people are subscribing and sticking around as I figure this out. I’m hugely grateful for their patience with me.

But the point is, I appreciate the example of can’t-box-this. It’s been the most refreshing to explore.

Final Thoughts

From being in a space five years ago where I was a square peg in a round hole, I am now in a space where, sure- I’m by no means loaded, but I’m financially independent and truly happy.

Who I am is more important than what I do. But boy-oh-boy, do I love what I am doing.

Someone once said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

And, for a crucial period of my life, having someone like Marie keeping it real on the daily, with her thought-providing insight, life lessons, podcast episodes, and priceless quirks guided me with what I needed to know, to step into what I wanted to have.

We live in a time where we get to choose who speaks into our lives, and it’s been a blessing to have someone like her speak into mine.

If you’re starting out, in the process of building, or feeling the feels of working for yourself, I hope this article has provided you with knowing that you are not alone.

We’re all at different phases, but being self-aware, brave, and having the right people speaking into your life, ultimately brings about how the ride of entrepreneurship plays out.

I wish you everything of the best, and, Marie says it best, “The world needs that special gift that only you have.”

