How A Blog Can Transform Your Brand

Cole VanDeWoestyne
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2017

And Why You Need One.

I feel that if you’ve clicked on this particular article… you own a business of some kind or you’re curious about starting one. Which is perfect because this article is for you.

I know you’ve realized that the way marketing, sales, and business is conducted has completely changed in the last 5 years… if you haven’t… well I’ll leave this alone for now.

So How Do You Stand Out?

Well the most effective thing for you to do is create an audience. How? Well you could do it a couple of different ways… No matter what you do to create an audience… You’re audience is going to need to consume relevant content about your business and products.

See Where I’m Going With This?

When you have a website up and running, often times people will do research right on your website. This not only increases time spent on your website, it also increases your conversion rate dramatically. Why? Because you’re giving your potential customers FREE value by providing these articles.

Now how could giving something for free be any good for business? Well.. People like to test drive things before they spend money. People absolutely hate making decisions without knowing for a fact that they are making the perfect decision.

Usually You’d Have A Sales Professional…Right?

If you think about it, to sell your product or service you would utilize a sales person and if you don’t have a sales person… YOU are the sales person. You can story tell with the best of them to help paint that perfect picture of them using your product or service to solve their problem. Amazing right? What if you could do this… oh idk 100 times…10,000 times a day without saying a word?

Your website or social media sites are getting visitors. EVERY DAY. Why not have an entire section that we label as a “Blog” That is just a giant collection of under the radar sales pitches? It’s automating that process and capturing 99% of the people who visit you and making them stay longer.

Still Not Convinced?

That’s fair. I wouldn’t expect you to be. However, I do have a question for you. Have you ever googled a question, or maybe a product for reviews? You scroll through the google listings and find one that sticks out at you that is your exact question. You click that link and it takes you to the landing page.

You look up and notice that you’re in the “Blog” section of someones website, but it answers your question. So you might start clicking around to see what products or services they have that relate to that article and five minutes go by and you’re like WOW! this place is kind of cool. So you bookmark and come back later.

I’m not saying articles are the only thing you’ll ever need.

I’m Just Pointing Out… If You Could Pitch EVERYONE That Visits Your Website Without Having To Be There…

Would You Benefit From It?

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