How a Monthly Goal Review Gives Your Self-Esteem a Huge Boost

This small habit makes a huge difference when it comes to setting and achieving goals.

Angela M Ward
Ascent Publication


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

How often do you review your goals? Daily? Monthly? Yearly?

I didn’t even review mine yearly — it was more like every few years. I’d write my bucket list of goals in a journal, stash it away and then come back to it whenever the list happened to cross my mind.

Despite not reviewing my goals that much, I still accomplished a lot. Some dreams seemed to seep into my subconscious enough to stick…but others sat stagnant on the page, remaining uncrossed and untouched.

The problem was that I wasn’t reviewing my goals frequently enough, so some of my goals weren’t exactly at the forefront of my mind. Like finally writing and publishing a novel.

Looking back, I see how reviewing my goals more regularly could have kept me more focused on them and consequently made me more likely to achieve more. I know, I know — it’s not a race, it’s a marathon. But I can’t deny how much progress I’ve seen since adding a monthly goal review to my life.

Within the last six months, I’ve experienced an upswing in productivity, success and self-confidence. I’ve published an article on Introvert, Dear



Angela M Ward
Ascent Publication

Communications and digital marketing professional, interested in creativity, personal development and mindful living. Top Writer in Reading.