How an Ancestry DNA Kit Led to a Road Trip Through the Mountains of Spain

It was a trip that will last for generations.

John Paul Hernandez
Ascent Publication


Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

Several years ago, I started my genealogy research. I come from an immigrant family, and much of our roots is lost. I had no paper trail or database to trace my story. Despite those challenges, I was determined. This journey would lead to a family heritage trip that would change my life. AARP referenced my trip, along with AFAR. Today, I want to tell the whole story.

As a Cuban American, I face an uphill climb with family research. My paternal and maternal grandparents left the island with their infant children to escape the Revolution. They left a lot of paperwork, relationships, and history behind them.

It’s very hard to do family research in Cuba from abroad. You have to physically go there. You visit a local cathedral and flip through a paper trail of records. Whatever you can get is what you get. You have to plan another trip for more. Or you could hire someone to do it from a word-of-mouth contact.

I had to do something different.

I had little information so it didn’t make sense to invest in a trip or contact. I knew my paternal and maternal grandparents had a parent or grandparent who came from Spain.



John Paul Hernandez
Ascent Publication

John Paul Hernandez is a B2B SaaS content writer that increases exposure, moves customers to action, and fuels company growth.