How Being Published in The Ascent Changed my Writing Career

This isn’t because I was asked to promote them, this is simply a way to express my gratitude towards them

Daniel H.W. McCarthy
Ascent Publication
4 min readDec 29, 2017


I joined Medium back in July of 2017. Possibly June but definitely a month that starts with a J and it wasn’t January. So it’s a 50/50. I wrote a few pieces that I thought were decent but I couldn’t get a single view. It was frustrating to say the least. I was trying to drive up a hill without any tread on my tires. I actually hate that example but I’m not clever enough to think of anything else. I knew I was a semi-good writer and at least what I had to offer was good enough for a single view but nothing was working. Finally one night I was just watching YouTube videos and I decided I’d write one more piece. It seems dumb to give up hope so quick, especially since that’s not like me to give in but I really didn’t have much invested in the app, only the subscription fee which I think I got for free so…anyways I thought I’d save my pride and just not write. I wrote an article titled 2am Thoughts. The next day at work my phone buzzed and I opened up an email. It was a message from an editor from The Ascent. I’d use her real name but I don’t have permission so to be safe I’m going with the whole anonymous thing. Anyways she emailed me about my 2am Thoughts article and asked if it was ok for them to publish it on their page. I smiled so big while writing back and said of course and I was accepted as a writer in The Ascent! It was funny because a few days before I read an article that she wrote and liked it and saw a link to The Ascent and said “wow. I want to get in on that.” I didn’t know how and I definitely didn’t have the support you’d think you’d have to have to be published but I got lucky. I was accepted into their publication and I was ecstatic. It really changed how I’d see my writing and it would inspire me to try and get better at writing. I have a lot to learn still and admittedly I took a break for awhile but I have returned and have a renewed drive for writing. I went back and read some pieces on The Ascent and I was captured again. And it’s funny because I thought my time off I would have been let go but I was still a writer for them and that feeling of acceptance came and hit me again. I texted my friend and was like “dude! I forgot my work can be published by this group on this app I write for!” He didn’t care much because I mean we are 20 years old(actually he is 21) but he was like, “sick”. But for me it’s a big deal. It gives me the opportunity to have my writings be read by so many more people. Do I get a lot of views? No, but maybe it’s my writing style like the way I write in blocks which I know people hate or the details that I am not describing enough. I know that whatever it is it has to do with only me. They have given me the tools necessary to reach so many people and it’s awesome! I just got done reading an article by the big boss man aka the founder of The Ascent and he tells about the future of The Ascent and not only where they plan on going but where they have been. And if you read this(talking to the summit of The Ascent, see what I did there. Summit, Ascent. Yeah this is why people don’t read my stuff..) anyways you went on to say that traffic toward the page has slowed down and kind of plateaued. You guys have reached an incredible number and I am excited to see where it is going. I think you are right on the edge of something truly extraordinary and this flat lining of sorts is very temporary. I am just one of many that have the privilege to write for you guys and I do take it as an honor. Maybe some people don’t see it as such but I am really thankful. Am I trying to make a career out of writing? I don’t think so, I have my own separate aspirations away from Medium, but if I did, being apart of this has made me feel like that is possible. The fact I could write something and have it be seen by tons and tons of avid and passionate readers is amazing. I do however want to get better at writing and improve on self branding. I think that is something very functional within and outside the app and am looking forward to seeing what you are rolling out. Thanks again for reading my piece months ago and deciding it was decent enough to land on your page.

Side note: the only reason I submitted this to be published is so they see this. This isn’t for exposure or manipulating the system. It’s just simply trying to give back. Ok that’s all now, Daniel, out.

Side side note that was lame.. so sorry

