How Can You Make 2018 the Best Year?

Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2018

To all of my followers, I am so sorry for not writing for a while. I have been caught up planning for 2018 and doing the maximum I could, to get what needs to be done… DONE.

But, I have returned, like Nintendo and skinny jeans. 8-)

There are certain things you can do to ensure that you have an amazing 2018! I will list 3 for you… I’m sure you can think of more, but I just want to glaze the important ones. Are you ready?

1. Stay Consistent

Staying consistent can be extremely hard, if you have no destination, or no desired goal in mind.

Many people get lost in this round-the-bend world, because their direction and action have been tampered with by fear or mis-management of time. Anybody that knows me, knows that I am transparent about everything I do, and don’t do. I am guilty of losing focus and staying inert, when I should be quickening!

Success loves speed, so staying consistent in a world that is constantly moving; is key to gaining momentum and making sure you get things done, in a timely, yet effective manner. If you stay consistent, and realize where your time and energy is being transferred to — you will not only be more effective in life, but business as well.

2. Find What it is That You Really Want to do

Now that you are consistent and know how to manage your time — you need to manage your time, for things that really matter to you. A lot of individuals spread their time sporadically, into things that brings them no joy — and no happiness. That is a common theme in the world today.

We spend time on things that bring nothing but a head-ache — and expect to live a happy life.

I get it, We do create our own happiness by being thankful for what we have… but come on. We are in the age of making dinero, by doing whatever it is that we love doing!

If you love cooking — look into becoming a chef.

If you love reading — think about reading to the elderly at the nursing home, or to your kids school. (Not sure if that’s a thing, but still could provide some money).

If you love beautiful houses — look into real estate, or becoming an interior designer. Fact is, we all should be doing whatever the hell it is we love to do! I know it’s easier said than done… but with CONSISTENCY it’s definitely a possibility! Start searching…

3. Network With Others That Have What You Want

Networking, is another key ingredient to have a successful 2018. I have met some amazing people by getting myself out there, and showing who I am and what I can do for them. Believe in your abilities — and showcase them to the world, and watch the world respond.

There is a difference between being arrogant — and being confident.

Arrogance, is when you step on others and brag about how much more you have than them. Confidence, is when you see someone on the ground or in a funk, and you lend your hand and try and help them out — all while knowing that you have much more… but are willing to help them get more; and not brag about what you have.

I bring this up because individuals and the people you network with, don’t respond well to arrogance. It is like a repellent to the positive — and an attraction to the negative. All the ones who are arrogant, fall — in the worst way. They may be on top for a while — but dignity and humbleness, is a trait that will keep you at the top.

Networking is a wonderful thing, when done correctly, and you being transparent.

I have made the mistake of lying about what I know, to impress a potential mentor. And when told to do something for that particular subject or trait … I couldn’t do it and didn’t have the slightest idea how. So I lost out on a great mentor — and potential business partner, because I lied about what I know.

Never lie about what you know. Let it be known off top that you are new to whatever industry, or you’re looking to improve your skills and become an asset to that person. People respond better to the truth and uncertainty — than a lie and deceit. Depends on whatever you’re into, or looking to do… one of the best sites that I’ve found for networking, is It will let you know what’s going on in your area, according to your interests. Wonderful site and app. SO NETWORK!

Talk to people that you would never in a trillion years have the guts to walk up to… those are the ones that may be able to help you the most.

Your comfort zone is a great place to be — but nothing ever grows there.

2018 will be good to you, as long as you’re good to it. It’s not the years that make our dreams come true — it’s our actions and consistency through-out the years, that make them a good year. Years don’t have certain presents or bad things that happen to you… It is only responsive to the work you do and the people you reach/help! You could’ve had an awesome 2017, but didn’t know how to…

Well now you know how to make it a fantastic 2018! GO BE GREAT.



Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication

Christopher Taylor, is a future billionaire and entrepreneur. He has 3 children, a supportive wife; and is creating his future, day by day. Stay tuned.