What Does Your Ideal Life Look Like?

Gregor Pitsch
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2018
Photo by Wild & Away on Unsplash.

A common question in the section of personal development.

I believe this question is strong and it can change your life.

If you ever heard the phrase, “you have to ask the right questions” to go forward, then this is a question I would definitely suggest and recommend to ask yourself.

I am heading up to the end of my career in university and I am about to graduate in approximately three months.

I started questioning my sense of life about two years ago and I am really grateful therefore, because it starts the journey as a creator of my life.

I questioned the experiences, I want to make in life and what I have to do to achieve these experiences.

When I started to create my future life in my mind a few “fundamentals” extract time by time, how I want to live like.

These “fundamentals” are my beliefs. These certain things I think I need for having my ideal fulfilling life.

I deeply believe, that having such fundamentals within ones mind is the preparation of the path to ones personal success. To gain these fundamentals, we have to put in the effort. It’s effort to create such fundamentals.

The name of the current day shouldn’t matter

One of the prerequisites, I think about while imagining my “ideal life” is, it shouldn’t matter which day it is.

In my ideal life I do things I love everyday. Why should I make a difference between monday, wednesday, friday or sunday?!

This prerequisite has to be manifested in my mind, because it is absolutely logical to me. So I asked myself, what can I do to manifest this thought to become a part of my reality.

I decided to start with the beginning of my day in the ideal life. Naturally, what comes to your mind is getting up in the morning and setting up for the day.

My approach is, I want to get up when and how I want to. Nothing from outside, no outer circumstances should determine, when I have to get up and how I feel when getting up.

The question I had to ask was, what can I do now to prepare my mind for this future outcome.

The clear answer was, I have to determine it by myself right now. So I decided to find a time, at which I can stand up everyday independent on my obligations in university or other spontaneously upcoming ones.

That’s one of the reasons why I am getting up early.

Getting up early manifests the thought in my mind, that I am in control of my life. I have the responsibility to make myself happy so I have to declare, what is manifested in my mind.

I really believe, what is manifested in our minds will turn into reality at some point in life.

Every day matters

For me it doesn’t make sense to let some days be less important than others and especially that some days shouldn’t matter at all.

In my opinion we should make every day matter somehow.

That’s why I educate myself daily, why I create content daily, why I have a purpose for every single day.

I don’t live for my weekends and it should never be this way, because as I mentioned above the name of the day shouldn’t matter for your actions.

My daily actions manifest this approach in my mind and keeps me away from wasting my time.

I do, what I love daily and what I love is making progress in every area of my life.

It’s the journey onto an end goal, that brings us fulfillment, not the end goal itself.

In my opinion it isn’t worth it to really suffer several years or decades to achieve a certain goal with a manner of a finish line.

Because I couldn’t answer the question, what I would do the day after I achieved this goal.

Finding MY direction

In my ideal life I do things, which are in my own best interest.

But what’s my own best interest? I don’t know completely yet. I am currently testing and exploring myself as well physically as psychologically.

That’s why I learn new things and get to know more and more daily. Only this way I see, what is aligned with my inner identity and what makes me feel good.

We as humans don’t understand anything by knowing something but by experiencing. Our mind is incredible, but sometimes our body or heard knows it better.

Why do I manifest the type of ideal life in my current life?

We are what we repeatedly do.

There is no doubt!

If you want to realize something and make it real, you have to work on that goal with persistance and patience.

By repeatedly asking yourself, how your ideal life looks like you do the first step of working. You plan.

The second step is to execute on your “goal” of an ideal life. Acutally an ideal life is not really a goal in the common sense, because you will never reach a finish line.

This is why this question is so strong and from my point of view one of the questions one have to ask in ones life consistently.

An ideal life is not the “happiness everywhere” life, but a life, which fulfills you and which thrives.

I am not interested in perfection. I am interested in experiences, relationships and long term growth.

The ones, who wait for the perfect moment and strive for perfection will never be happy and fulfilled.



Gregor Pitsch
Ascent Publication

Monk Mindset | Athlete | Personal Development | Product Manager | Contact me: info@gregorpitsch.com