How I Became the Managing Director of a Company at 23

An actionable guide to getting promoted and growing your income

Tom Mitchelhill
Ascent Publication


I’d just gotten out of the surf and opened the door of my van when I could hear the faint rhythmic buzzing of ringing phone in the glovebox. I leaned over the front seat and fished through its messy contents until I grabbed my phone and answered.

It was my boss, with the most startling proposal I’d ever heard:

He was going overseas for 9 months and he wanted me to run his company…

A company with 50 employees and a million-dollar annual revenue stream.

To be very clear: this company wasn’t a tech startup.

It wasn’t a flashy venture capital-backed firm fresh out of Silicon Valley.

It was a grassroots outdoor tourism company that ran guided wilderness excursions for primary schools in Sydney, Australia.

Of course, after a couple of minutes of chatting over the details I eventually arrived at my final conclusion:

F**k yeah!

This promotion would see my income rise from $20/hour to $400 a day ($100k/year).

Here’s what my new role entailed:

