How I Came to Embrace My Baldness Before Losing All My Hair

“Try it. It’ll feel liberating,” my flatmate said.

Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication


Photo by Nelson Ribeiro from Pexels

I was born to be bald and I’m finally at peace with that.

My dad lost most of his hair above his head before he turned 35. My 4-year-older brother has always been an indication of how my hair would be a few years later, especially considering that I started balding before he did.

I don’t remember exactly when I first realized I was balding, but I remember what caused it. I had seen an old picture of myself and thought “Wow, that’s a lot of hair”. Another thought then followed:

“Damn. Already?”

The process sped up throughout my twenties as I fought with it internally. Friends made fun of me. Some in Japan called me “Hage” which means “Bald.” At 23, a hairdresser left more hair above my head. I asked him to cut to the same length as the sides. He hesitated and then said:

“But if I cut to the same length, then we’ll see your skin.”

Offended, I told him to do so either way. He was the first person I didn’t know and told me straight to my face I was balding. I refused to accept it.

I now pity my younger self who was unable to feel comfortable in his own body. I understand him though. It’s…



Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook →