How I Changed My Life’s Trajectory in Only 1 Year

And became excited about what the future holds

Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication


I remember clearly the night my life began to change.

I woke up around 2 am, full of energy, due to jetlag from my flight to Japan after a holiday in France. I couldn’t sleep so I grabbed my phone. I fell upon a video from Tom Bilyeu about improving one’s life.

It wasn’t the first video I ever watched on the topic but I was suddenly receptive to the information. I downloaded 40 different apps to improve my life and fell back asleep an hour later.

I woke up a few hours later and deleted most of them. Yet, I had already become someone else. Something had changed in my brain. I didn’t realize it yet but I had made a choice that would change my life. One day.

A year later, I saw life in a whole new light.

That year began a lifelong journey. A path I could have never walked had I not woken up that fateful night. The cards were in my hand and it was time to play the first of many rounds.

If I were to summarize into a word that year, I’d choose “start”. It was the start of a long but incredible journey. A journey I’ll happily continue for the rest of my life.

I Began Learning



Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook →