How I Used Anchoring to Have the Most Productive Six Months of My Life

I changed my perception of hard work in the process.

Steve QJ
Ascent Publication


Photo by Wictor Cardoso from Pexels

For the past six months, I’ve been more consistently productive than ever in my life. I’ve exercised every day, I’ve written at least one post per day (sometimes more), and I’ve meditated every day for at least ten minutes.

I realise I’m supposed to claim that I’m not saying any of this to brag, but we both know that would be a lie. I’m totally bragging. I’m incredibly pleased with how much I’ve managed to get done over the past few months.

But to explain how I did it, I need to tell you a story about the dumbest business mistake I ever made.

How Not to Negotiate

It happened right at the beginning of my entrepreneurial career. I was working as a personal trainer and had somehow managed to persuade one of my clients, Paul, that I could run the in-house gym at his company.

It was a great opportunity. It was a huge company to land as my first corporate client with thousands of staff, I’d have a team of trainers and gym managers working for me, and best of all, I’d have a huge budget to build out the gym to whatever specifications I wanted.



Steve QJ
Ascent Publication

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at