How I Used Habit Building to Overcome My Fear of Writing

My story and strategies for starting and maintaining a daily writing habit

Shanna Loga
Ascent Publication


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Why is everyone fascinated by habits? Since Charle Duhigg’s The Power of Habit came out in 2012, the topic of habits has spawned multiple bestselling books, habit coaches, habit workshops, and a national habit conference. Even self-help gurus like Mark Manson and Rachel Hollis have jumped on the bandwagon and added habit hacking to their repertoires.

Based on my personal experience, I believe people are so excited about habits because they can change your life.

For over a decade I was paralyzed by self-doubt. Although I’ve wanted to be a writer since middle school and tried journalism and screenwriting in college, I had always felt I wasn’t good enough. I was terrified of trying to become a writer, failing, and realizing I had no other talents to offer the world. Other than writing in a journal a few times a year, I did not write a single word for myself for 15 years.

I did not write a single word for myself for 15 years.

When severe postpartum depression took me out of the workforce a year ago, I sought therapy for…



Shanna Loga
Ascent Publication

Multiracial Midwestern Mama | Multiniche — you never know what I’ll write about next (and neither do I) | She/her/hers |