How I Used My English Degree to Become a Financial Analyst

Why one of the largest financial institutions in the world hired me and the 4 tactics I used to convince them I belonged

David R Gwyn
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jeffrey Blum on Unsplash

People with English majors are often laughed at. Trust me, I’ve been there. We’re asked what we plan to do with our lives and why we’d waste so much money on an impractical area of study.

An English degree can even be found on the list for some of the worst majors to get. Unless you want to teach, what’s the point, right?

But when I told people where I worked, they often asked a different question. Instead of asking me why I became an English major, they started asking me how I became an analyst at one of the largest financial institutions in the world.

I’ve found that if you position yourself correctly, an English major is actually one of the most malleable areas of study. And if you understand that and can articulate it, you’re one step closer to success in pretty much any field.

“I honor English majors. It’s a dumb thing to major in. It leads nowhere. It’s good to be dumb, it allows us to love something for no reason. That’s the best kind of love.” — Natalie Goldberg

Sound Familiar?



David R Gwyn
Ascent Publication

Writer — Founder of — Helping writers reach their goals through short writing lessons & interviews