How I Would Start An Online Content Business in 2021 — If I Could Start Over

6 elements to a money-making online content business that can save you years of mistakes

Jon Brosio
Ascent Publication



Starting a successful online business can be extremely challenging. There are several elements that should be considered:

  • What niche are you going to target?
  • Is there a viable audience for your content?
  • How are you going to build your product?
  • How are you going to market your message and value proposition?

In addition, you have to think about the content platforms that will help you grow.

I always dreamt of building my own online content business. I vaguely knew there was an opportunity in the online content space. I later found out that there are 30.7 million bloggers in the United States alone.

In early 2017, the restaurant I was working at burned to the ground, and I was off and running after purchasing a domain and hosting it through

I was able to get six writers to help me produce content and shortly after launch — I thought my team and I were in business.



Jon Brosio
Ascent Publication

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