How I’m Revising My Novel

My fantasy novel is nearly done. But I have a mammoth revision ahead of me first. Here’s my revision plan.

Mallika Kamat
Ascent Publication


Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

My novel’s been resting for a month now and it’s finally time to get the revision show on the road. I spent most of the last month dutifully reading fiction (since I don’t tend to read fiction while I’m writing), watching some spectacular movies and generally topping up my creative well. Now I have enough creative mojo to tackle the mammoth project.

If you have an old manuscript lying around, tucked away in a drawer somewhere, now’s as good a time as any to dust it off and start working on it. This is a great way to pick up where you left off if you participated in Camp NaNoWriMo or NaNoWriMo and have no idea what do with the first draft you just wrote.

Step 1: Assess the current state of affairs

Step 1 doesn’t require actual reading of the full manuscript. If you try reading the manuscript before putting some structure in place, you’ll get lost in a sea of…



Mallika Kamat
Ascent Publication

MSc in Management. Working on my debut novel. Published in The Ascent, The Writing Cooperative.