I’ve Made Over $1.2 Million Writing Self-Published Novels

It’s not as hard as you might think.

T.R. Harris
Ascent Publication


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

As I’m writing this, I have earned $1,245,267.00 in royalties from my writing.

That’s right, almost one-and-a-quarter million dollars.

But before you get too excited, that’s over 103.5 months or 8.625 years, since the day I self-published my first novel on Amazon in October 2011. And before you grab the calculator, I’ll save you the trouble. That works out to be $144,379.00 per year or a very respectable $12,031.00 per month — for every month since that first book hit the market. (I still wonder where all the money went?)

For more background, I write and self-publish science fiction novels on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform, with 44 books and six box sets currently on the market. That averages out to publishing five books per year; however, in 2020, I set an ambitious goal of writing a book a month. So far, I’ve done that.

From my numbers, I hope you can see the potential independent (indie) publishing holds for you. It’s easier than you think, and frankly, it’s where the money is. Unlike with articles, books can earn you money years into the future, as your backlist of previously published material grows and continues to sell.



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