How Jordan Peterson Taught Me The Beauty In Pain and Suffering

I started finding love and pleasure in suffering.

Derick David
Ascent Publication


Image: Entertainment Focus

We all want to better. Don’t we?

So, I’ve been watching Jordan Peterson a lot since a friend of mine mentioned his name a few months into 2020. I checked his name out on the internet, went to Youtube, and clicked the first video that grabbed my attention.

10 minutes later, I was amazed and something great dawn on me.

Jordan Peterson doesn’t only teach about how to be better in life, he shows you how life actually looks like and what are ways you should handle it.

The reality is harsh, cold, and boring and it’s not because you’re having a bad day, but it’s just because you’ve been accustomed to how good days look like.

If there’s one thing I picked up from Jordan Peterson’s lectures and podcasts, it’s that we need to train ourselves to expect more bad days than good days.

Thus, we need to learn how to react to it when it comes.

The reality isn’t what you see in the movies or fairy tales, even those don’t always end with a happy ending. What you have to know is that life by default is worse than you could imagine.



Derick David
Ascent Publication

1M+ views. Seen at Forbes. 10x Top Writer in Technology, Innovation, and Design.