How Living Four Months Without Internet at Home Improved My Life

Yes. Everything’s on the internet, and that’s the problem.

Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication
Published in
8 min readApr 12, 2021


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I spent my first four months living in Japan without having internet at home. For the first two, I didn’t even have a sim card. That meant the moment I entered my apartment, I was cut from the entire world. No way to contact me. No way for me to contact anybody.

It. was. amazing.

These four months were among the best of my life up until that point. I had a fulfilling life outside my home and a rewarding time whenever I was home as well. It was also one of the times I focused best on learning my languages.

Before then, I was always stuck to my phone or on my computer. That changed me. I became more at ease being on my own and learned again how to focus for long periods of time without interruption.

I’ve never gotten in such an extreme situation for that long again but I now regularly spend days during which I cut myself from the rest of the world. These days are my treasure. They help me recharge and accomplish more than I can ever do otherwise.

I believe we should all reduce our time using the internet. We can’t deny the internet has improved our lives, but we can’t deny either that it’s negatively impacted many…



Mathias Barra
Ascent Publication

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook →