How Losing a Class Election Changed My Life

The astounding power of tiny events to trigger massive changes

Neeramitra Reddy
Ascent Publication
Published in
8 min readJan 11, 2021


When I was bullied in middle school, my self-esteem hit rock bottom, I developed serious body image issues and life lost all its color. I also developed social anxiety and quite a prominent stutter, thanks to which I shied away from socialization and feared speaking.

“Embarrassment for what you ask me? Well, for existing.”

Wherever I went, a constant sense of anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and self-awareness accompanied me. Embarrassment for what you ask me? Well, for existing.

It wasn’t all dark though. There were quite a few good things too — my roller skating classes, my girlfriend at the time, the few good friends, me consistently topping exams, etc.

And when alone, it was these things that gave me solace from the constant onslaught of negative thoughts and feelings.

Putting on a Mask

Fast forward a few years, and things had changed, quite a lot actually.

I had lost my stutter, started working out, and had joined a different school. These things gave a massive boost to my confidence and self-esteem, maybe a bit too much — I became an…



Neeramitra Reddy
Ascent Publication

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