How Mastermind Groups Can Transform Your Life and Career

And why you should consider creating your own

Sinem Günel
Ascent Publication


A powerful mastermind group can not only lead to meaningful improvements in your career or business, but it can change your entire life. At least, that’s my experience from two years of masterminding with fantastic brains.

Masterminding is the most effective way to navigate through the difficulties of life and business and make use of the collective experience of people who’re ahead of you.

Napoleon Hill first introduced the concept of mastermind groups in his book Think and Grow Rich. He described masterminds as a group of at least two people who come together to solve problems:

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].” — Napoleon Hill

A mastermind group is a group of people who share the same interests and want to learn from each other to reach their goals in a particular field more efficiently and effectively. It’s a peer mentoring concept and connects people who’re in a similar place in life and striving for comparable goals.

