How Much Money Would Make You Happy?

Two Nobel laureates have found a price tag to it.

Pavle Marinkovic
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readApr 23, 2021


How many yachts do you need to feel happy once and for all? Photo by jennieramida from Unsplash

More money will buy you more happiness.

This is not to say that money = happiness.

It simply means that the more financial resources you have, the more joyful and satisfied you’ll feel with your life.

But there’s a fine print to it (there’s always an annoying catch, isn’t there?).

Money improves your happiness level until it reaches a certain amount. After that, no matter how much you earn, it won’t make any difference whatsoever.

I was always baffled by the fact that while studying psychology, there wasn’t a single teacher who told us anything about happiness. And certainly not about money influencing it!

Now, you don’t have to scroll down to get the answer:

It’s $90,500 a year.

The short answer, that is. Let me take you through it.

How do we get to that amount?

What’s Considered Well-Being Anyway?

Two Noble laureates in economics, psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton wanted to find out what the influence of money on our subjective sense of happiness was.

