How Shifting My Mindset Helped Me Lose Weight After Surgery

I managed to drop 40 pounds and 65 pounds after two major surgeries and have sustained the results since.

Prateek Dasgupta
Ascent Publication


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Losing weight is a challenge. Our bodies appear to conspire against us when we are trying to lose weight. But you know it is achievable and rewarding, as you can see the difference it makes to your life.

You feel lighter, your health and confidence improve.

But what happens when life throws you an extra challenge where you cannot use the same tools as millions of others? I faced the same after two major surgeries.

The generic weight loss advice “eat less and move more” did not work. Well, it would not work as after both the surgeries they required me to have a complete bed rest for extended periods. Three months in one case and five months in the other.

Regular movement was out of the question. This was spiced up with the side effects of steroids following the surgery, which includes weight gain.

But I overcame this challenge with the extra handicap on both occasions. I lost 40 pounds the first time, though I could not keep it off. The lessons learned helped me the second time when I lost 65 pounds and sustained the results since.



Prateek Dasgupta
Ascent Publication

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