How the Danish Concept of Hygge Can Help Increase Your Happiness

Becoming happier in a year of devastation and anxiety

Kristi Jacobsen
Ascent Publication


Photo by Stella Rose on Unsplash

I was rather proud of how well I held up in 2020 despite everything thrown my way. The loss of my job was a silver lining. Family illnesses taught me the importance of the present. Staying home allowed me to grow my business.

Yet, we entered into autumn and changed our clocks. More darkness, cooler weather, and the imminent “how do we celebrate the holidays this year?” settled into my anxiety-prone brain.

I about lost it.

Something needed to change because I was right on track for burnout and an anxiety attack. Everything was chaotic — from my job to my side-hustle, social media, family, and even my living space.

Then I remembered a Danish term that trended several years ago, hygge.

I’m half-Danish, and I love everything about Danish traditions and culture. After I visited Denmark last summer, I tried to implement different parts of Danish culture here and there, but hygge somehow missed the list.

I thought, why not? It can’t hurt to try something to make life simple, cozy, and a bit brighter.

What is hygge?



Kristi Jacobsen
Ascent Publication

I write about podcasting, entrepreneurship, digital nomadism, and achieving long-term results.