How the Happiness of Strangers Can Make Your Day

Taking time to notice those around us can change our lives for the better.

Samantha McCormick
Ascent Publication
3 min readSep 26, 2019


Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

As I came through the airport arrivals hall in Malaga, Spain, a couple of weeks ago I saw two people share the happiest embrace – it seems this was the first time they had seen each other in a long time.

They hugged each other with such emotion, almost jumping up and down, their faces beaming with joy.

As I walked past them I couldn’t help but smile. I felt happier just witnessing it. There is something so special about moments like this.

Yes, they have nothing to do with me, and I have no idea who these people are, but their happiness radiated out to me as I noticed it. It only lasted a few seconds but it was so memorable because of how it made me feel.

Travelling is often tiring, navigating your way through a packed airport terminal or train station with your luggage, trying to work out where you need to be whilst you continually watch the clock. And then, when you arrive at your destination, there’s the rush to get out and away from transport, towards the tranquility and excitement of wherever you are visiting.

But have you ever stopped to notice what is going on around you?

Who are all of these people, where might they be going, and where have they come from?

What happens if you slow down for a few seconds and take in your surroundings?

These moments are happening around us all of the time. If only we got out of our heads more often to notice them.

I can remember a friend of mine saying that whenever she travels on the tube in London, she passes the time by imagining who the person opposite her might be – their family, where they live, where they’re travelling to, what job they do.

She never finds out the real answers to any of her questions (heaven forbid someone might talk to a stranger on the tube!) but instead of shutting out the world with her headphones on, she enjoys paying attention to her fellow humans and in the process creates her own short stories that give vibrancy and creativity to her day.

Sometimes a few seconds can change your day.

Witnessing the joy between two people as I walked past them reminded me of the love and hope in this world. Something that I think we all need reminding of at times, particularly with all of the political turmoil that surrounds us.

Witnessing genuine happiness, that comes from love, is reassuring and beautiful.

Taking time to notice gives us perspective too.

It can get you out of your head and open your mind to the world more. I find this helps me to think more clearly about what’s important to me, and on a daily basis it helps me feel more grounded.

Striking up a conversation with a stranger can also be particularly beneficial, as explained in this BBC article:

“…we may often underestimate the positive impact of connecting with others for both our own and others’ wellbeing.

For example, having a conversation with a stranger on your way to work may leave you both feeling happier than you would think.”

This might be more tricky when traveling on the tube in London (us Brits are too polite to talk to each other!) but why not give it a go some time? Even just smiling at a stranger can help you (and them) feel happier.

Hugs are also incredibly good for our health — they’re scientifically proven to reduce stress and make us happier— and so witnessing others in an embrace can help us connect to this too. The next time you hug a loved one, remember that you might also be helping those around you feel happier too.

As I left Malaga airport, I felt lighter and reassured by the goodness and happiness of that moment.

It also made me think of the opening sequence to the film ‘Love Actually’ – I’ll finish by leaving this here for you:



Samantha McCormick
Ascent Publication

Dance Artist writing to help make sense of the world one step at a time.