How to Achieve Your Goals in the Midst of a Hectic Life

Your time and your mind are the only things that are free in this world.

Sylvia Emokpae
Ascent Publication


We fight for crumbs of time every day. We prioritise, set some aside to do a lot of things we must, a few we want, and sometimes, we don’t know where the time went because we have nothing to show for it.

Generally speaking, no one ever complains about having too much time on their hands.

But, we all get the same 24 hours in a day.

Some people are extremely efficient and successful with that time. Some people seem to stumble over it and never quite catch up with their backlog of obligations. Some people are well organised, some people are scatty, and both types can be successful or dreadfully unhappy with their situation.

So how do we come to realise our life’s goals when we constantly struggle for time? What are the secrets? The tricks aren’t magical, because magic doesn’t exist.

But I can tell you that every single person on earth is born with the potential to acquire everything they want. More importantly, I can tell you that everyone, including you, deserves it.

The Successful Know What They Want

“The first secret of…



Sylvia Emokpae
Ascent Publication

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.