How to Apply What You Read to Your Life

The best knowledge is useless unless applied.

Eva Keiffenheim
Ascent Publication


Photo by Parth Shah on Pexels

In 2017, I read my first life-changing book. Since then, reading has become my favorite habit.

Yet, when I stumbled upon this quote by Ratna Kusnur some time ago, I started to question the power of books:

“Knowledge trapped in books neatly stacked is meaningless and powerless until applied for betterment of life.”

Admittedly, Ratna caught me right on the spot. Before building my first business, I had read dozens of books for each stage in the business lifecycle. But when it came to starting, the most significant impact was doing it.

Yes, reading can be the fast-track to a happier, healthier, wiser life. But unless you apply the lessons from the greatest thinkers to our lives, reading is mere entertainment.

Here’s a self-tested way to apply what you read to your life and thereby, lead a better life:

This advice doesn't apply to fictional books. It applies to reading non-fiction books for knowledge and practicality.

Choose the Right Book for Your Life Situation

“Knowledge isn’t power until…



Eva Keiffenheim
Ascent Publication

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