How to Avoid Falling Back Into Old Patterns and Change For Good

You have to control your ego backlash.

Moreno Zugaro
Ascent Publication


I never thought a high-school math problem would be an accurate representation of life. Sally the slug climbed a wall during the day but slid back down when she fell asleep at night, which is exactly what life feels like sometimes.

It’s like you’re jinxed. You were so proud of your accomplishments — you quit smoking, started eating more healthily, went to bed early, and even swapped the Netflix marathons for books. But at one point, you fell back into old behaviors.

Change is hard because you have to fight the only person who’s a worthy opponent — yourself.

When you erase your progress, you feel bad and wonder why you have so much trouble sticking to the simplest rules. You beat yourself up, get angry, and lose confidence. But don’t worry — there’s nothing wrong with you.

I’ve seen it in all the people I’ve coached. I’ve talked to other coaches and they’ve experienced it with their clients as well. Everyone falls victim to the Ego Backlash at one point. Your old self tries to regain control.

Before I show you how to keep your progress and don’t fall back into old ways, we first have to look at what your ego is.

