How to Become a Powerful Good Luck Magnet

Quick and easy ways to bring more good fortune into your life.

Lucy King
Ascent Publication


Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash

A delivery man came by asking for Lucky King today.

It is remarkable how often people mispronounce my name in this way. I get called Lucky on average once or twice a week!

I have treated this as a game for years. Every time someone calls me Lucky I imagine I receive a good luck credit.


At a wedding one time my nameplate was misspelt as Lucky King. People came up to my boyfriend all night asking to be introduced to Lucky.

That evening was a bonanza for me!


Seriously though, I do consider myself blessed in life. Like most people I have dealt with family, health and employment difficulties. When times have been challenging, I’ve always believed I would get through — and somehow I do!

I am conscious of not shying away from challenges due to fear. Making a fool of myself is okay. Failure is okay. I have done both on many occasions and learnt useful lessons each time.

Facing fear head on is important because — fear blocks good luck from entering your life.

