How To Become An Entrepreneur (Especially If You’re New To Business)

Nicolas Cole
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2020


I accidentally built the greatest “first business” an entrepreneur could ever have.

When my co-founder and I first decided we were going to build a content writing and thought leadership agency, we had no idea what we were doing. But, just like every single first-time entrepreneur in history, we made the commitment to waking up every day in search of the next answer.

“We need an LLC. How do we form an LLC?”

“The LLC needs a valid bank account. How do we open a business bank account?”

“The business bank account needs funds. Should we each throw in $100 and call it even?”

These beginning challenges were, in many ways, the easiest and the hardest challenges of the entire journey thus far. They were easy because, well, you find out much later that filling out a form online to create an LLC is a whole lot easier than firing an employee who isn’t performing well enough. But what made these challenges so difficult was that we had nothing to point to yet that showed us we were moving in the right direction. We were, quite literally, trying to bring an invisible, imaginary idea into the real world. And the first time you do that is daunting and full of uncertainty.

I’ll never forget the day we got



Nicolas Cole
Ascent Publication

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