How to Become an Extraordinary Version of Yourself

Transform your ordinary self into an extraordinary one.

Harmeet Singh
Ascent Publication
4 min readAug 25, 2021


Photo by Munbaik Cycling Clothing on Unsplash

We see in superhero movies a person going through a life-altering experience and gaining extraordinary powers.

In real life, humans can’t become superhumans, but still, some people live an extraordinary life, while some are satisfied living an average or ordinary one.

What separates ordinary and extraordinary?

I am sure we all want to know the answer to this question, so I started reading books and documentaries to figure it out.

I discovered that there were certain principles that those people with extraordinary lives live by that make them stand out.

If we live our lives following those principles, then I am sure we can become the very best and extraordinary version of ourselves.

1. You choose to be extraordinary.

Life is all about choices. We make countless choices daily without even realizing we are making one. Deciding to scroll Instagram over reading is a choice, or Eating junk food instead of healthy food is a choice.

These small choices, in the long run, create who we are. Who you are today is because of the choices you have made in the past and what you will be in the future depends upon the choices you will make today.

Start by improving the little choices you make in day-day life and choose to do things that make you better than you are.

From today onwards, before making a choice, stop and ask yourself, Will this make me better in life or worse? Doing this will make sure that you are aware of your choices and that your life is moving in a positive direction.

2. You have to go through pain to evolve yourself.

In the movie “Batman Begins,” Bruce Wayne, i.e., The Batman, has a childhood fear of bats. Whenever he would see a bat, he would run away.

But one day, he decided enough was enough; he knew he couldn’t let this fear hold him back. So he goes to a place full of bats and stays there until he doesn’t fear them anymore.

He used his fear as a weapon to get better.

Although it’s a fiction movie, things are very similar in reality. The more you go through pain and discomfort, The better you become.

There is no growth in the comfort zone; Real growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone.

How do you get out of your comfort zone? By doing things that make you uncomfortable. You have to stop running from discomfort and start seeking it.

Make a list of things you are afraid to do and start doing them. It will feel extremely tough initially, but after you do them, You will be proud and satisfied with yourself.

3. Extraordinary people have extraordinary friends.

There’s a saying — “You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With.” It can’t be more accurate.

During my high school years, I used to be very good at studies, then I had to change my school for some reason, and I made new friends there.

I started hanging out with them, bunking classes, not submitting my assignments. I started realizing how I was gradually becoming one of them.

If you want a better life for yourself, choose your friends wisely.

Make a list of people you hang out with, and if possible, start spending more time with people who have a purpose in their lives, people who spend their time going after their goals.

4. You have your superpowers.

All of us have looked at others and wished we could be like them at some point in life. Doing this is what leads to self-hatred and low self-esteem.

You have to realize that you are unique in your own way. You don’t have to be like someone else; You have to be the best version of yourself.

I am not sure if you watch football ( soccer), But you must have heard about Messi and Ronaldo. Both being exceptional players but very different from each other. Do you think Ronaldo would want to be like Messi, or vice versa? No, because they have their strengths and weaknesses, but that’s what makes them unique.

Look into yourself and decide what kind of person you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you like or dislike, And then choose a path accordingly.

Don’t do things just because your friend does it or because your parents tell you to. Take their advice but do what makes you happy.

5. Get the simple things right.

People often think they have to do something complicated to achieve better things in life. But that’s not how it is; It’s very simple.

If achieving great things is simple, then everybody can be great, Right? Yes, but No.

There is a difference between simple and easy, often getting simple things right is very hard to do.

If you want to become good at something, you need to be consistent; it’s very simple, but is it easy? No.

Start getting simple things right:-

  • If you start something, make sure you don’t stop until you finish it.
  • Learning something new every day
  • Have patience when you don’t see results instantly
  • Be just 1% better ( Physically, Mentally, Spiritually) than you were yesterday
  • Forgive people and, most importantly yourself.

I can go on and on, but you get my point. Life is very simple; we tend to make it hard.


The difference between extraordinary and ordinary lies in that ‘extra’ — extra work, commitment, passion, and a will to go after what you want in your life.

  1. Every little choice you make has a significant impact on the trajectory of your life.
  2. Growth happens when you do things that push you outside of your comfort zone.
  3. You are who your friends are.
  4. Being yourself is the best thing you could be.
  5. Get simple things right. Simplicity is a quality of extraordinary people.



Harmeet Singh
Ascent Publication

Writer, Athlete | I write self improvement, and inspiring articles that can help make your life better | My Medium Pub: