How to Build a 6-Month Roadmap

The most effective way to achieve your goals

Alix A.
Ascent Publication


Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

French writer and poet Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said:

“A goal without a plan is just a wish”

This quote might be overrated, but it’s no less true. Building a roadmap is the single most effective way to achieve your goals. It’s all at once structuring and encouraging.

For years, I worked without a real roadmap. I had some goals in mind, but it turns out they were evolving over time. Some appeared, some disappeared, some became more or less important, but I never really changed my focus. I just kept working on what seemed important to me. It was not that bad, but I was missing a kind of overall view about where I wanted to go and which goals I wanted to reach through all this work.

This is why I decided to build a roadmap. It has led to a deep change of perspective in my work. Now, I know where I want to go, and exactly what I need to do, day after day, to get closer to my goals.

A roadmap is divided into three parts:

  • All your goals, specifically detailed, so you know what you want and when you want to achieve it
  • What you have to do, day after day, week after week, and month after month, to get closer to these goals…



Alix A.
Ascent Publication

I write about feeling good in one's body and mind.