How to Change Your Mental State Instantly

Imagine being in control of your mental state and changing it at will — that’s the art of Mental State Change.

Ollie Brunchers
Ascent Publication


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like your emotions are overwhelming you? That you can feel how your mood is changing into something you don’t want? Maybe you start getting anxious or angry?

“The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain.” — Daniel Goleman

Emotions are your fundamental reactions to your surroundings. They have been with us as long as we have been humans and they are one of our most important mechanisms of survival. But sometimes they do seem a little outdated and it would be preferable to have a response purely based on reason. That is unfortunately not to be changed, but you can change or influence.

One of the greatest tools you can learn is the ability to change your mental state. I remember vividly when I was first told to

“Just change your state — now!”

I was in my early twenties working as a junior consultant when my mentor and manager, one of the most brilliant consultants I have ever met, pulled me aside, and told me that.

We were about to start a workshop with 20+ executives from a large…



Ollie Brunchers
Ascent Publication

Marketing Leader making a tireless effort in increasing my odds of a happy life.