How to Find the People Who Can Catalyze Your Efforts for Success

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bridget O. Menyeh
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2017


Over the last few months, I've undergone some positive internal emotional and psychological changes. I owe most of it to the motivating and life-changing books and podcasts I’ve taken time to imbibe. I can confidently say that I’m content, a lot happier and less prone to anxiety than I was a few months back.

As much as I would like to write about my newly acquired state of contentment and happiness, I would like to share something more beneficial.

I realize that my new state of contentment and happiness has drastically improved my ability to love and support the people I come across daily. In essence, the people I have interacted with within this period attest to the enormous help and support I have given them.

They say I catalyzed their efforts.

Truly, I feel I have given more wholeheartedly within this period than I had a few months back.

Success stories all over the world have one thing in common. There is always that person who makes the magic happen; the one person who is the catalyst.

But how do you find that one person or people who can catalyze your efforts into success?

My answer from this short experience is simple: find the people you consider as having found their authentic self. People who love themselves and have a better idea of their purpose in life. These people are less prone to negative competition and will most often be generous and kind because it no way affects their worth or purpose.

“People who love themselves come across as very loving, generous and kind; they express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness and inclusiveness.”~Sanaya Roman

Having two or more of these people in your inner circle will be life-changing. They will be amazing support pillars and will infect you with their positive energy and outlook to life. Like Jim Rohn has said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So make it count.

Before I go, I must add that taking from people without giving back can leave the other party feeling robbed. Hence, you must strive to better yourself everyday for your own personal happiness and for those you care about. That way, we and the people we come across can all coexist, sharpening each other up and doing our unique best in impacting our world.

