How to Gain the Loyalty of Your Employees (Without Stressing Them Out!)

Evi Abada, MD, MS
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2018

In today’s workplace, there is so much to be said about the manager-employee relationship, which is fundamental to the success or failure of any given team.

And while there is a lot of content out there about the qualities of “not-too great” managers, I would be focusing on the qualities of truly great and inspiring managers, by recounting a personal experience.

I have worked with a few managers and can attest that I have actually had managers on both sides of the discourse: the ‘not-too nice’ ones, and the truly ‘nice and inspiring’ ones.

An inherent attribute of humans is the need to feel appreciated and valued by some sort. And when that expectation is not fulfilled, we tend to react by treating that relationship like it does not count or matter.

This same principle also applies to our personal relationships. More often than not, we tend to give back what we have received from the other person.

I have had managers who were very self-seeking, full of themselves and had no clue about how to actually manage people. Working with this set of managers sometimes made me wonder how they got there in the first place.

And I have also had managers who were people-centered, caring and also looked out for the entire team.

However, of all the Bosses I have had, one manager stands out quite distinctly for me, because of her unique personality, and the way and manner in which she carried the entire team along.

My Story

I worked with her several years ago. This manager was first ‘Human’ before she wore on the hat of a ‘Manager’. She showed genuine interest in our well-being-both professionally and personally.

She was a ‘people person’, very smart and highly intelligent. At first, when I started working with her, I became quite uncomfortable with the way she related to everyone as though we were all equals.

You see, I am from a region of the world that values respect for authority and emphasizes the distinction between who is the Boss, and who the subordinates are.

Therefore, this Manager’s excessively friendly and warm disposition at work, sort of made me uncomfortable. Because it wasn’t something I had been used to.

If you ever came to the office and met us chatting, you would never know that she was indeed our manager. She came down to everyone’s level and did her best to carry the entire team along.

If you looked like you were having a bad day, she would call you into her office to find out what the problem was. She made us all feel like very important members of the team, and never failed to remind us that “our” success; was also her success.

She always went out of her way to make us feel like we made a difference; and that our efforts were well appreciated. And that was indeed a great motivation for us to do more; to give back that same commitment that she had given us.

She became not only my manager but also my personal friend, becoming familiar with the members of my family. And I would always cherish the opportunity I had to have worked with her when I did.

Dear managers, entrepreneurs and business owners, do you want loyal employees? Employees who will go all out to make sure the team and your business succeed? It’s very easy to find them.

But never forget to treat them with Dignity, Respect, and Genuine interest. To get the best from your employees and create an environment of trust and unflinching dedication to service, you must reach out and draw them closer.

Give them the sense that they are very important players in achieving the common goal of your establishment.

From the janitor to your deputy, treat them all like they matter, and that you care about their welfare. And you will be amazed at the amount of commitment you receive in return.

And maybe someday, long after they have stopped working for you, some of your employees may be impacted enough by your good deeds to call you their friend.

So, rather than making the workplace an unwholesome and loveless environment, create a place of true value that feels like ‘home away from home’!

To your continued success. Cheers!!!

Evi Abada (

